Project XP-38N

A site dedicated to the memory of those who designed, built, flew, and
maintained the Lockheed P-38 Lightning in defense of freedom.

Site News

24 July 2021 -- In May I visited "White 33" at the National Museum of WWII Aviation in Colorado Springs.  Photos are now in the walkaround collection.  I don't have too many P-38s left to see!









Keywords: P-38 Lightning, P-38 FS2004, P-38 Flight Simulator, P-38 Walkaround, P-38 Photos, P-38 Images, P-38 Photo Gallery, Lockheed P-38, P-38 Pictures

If you like music, please see my LVDT Simulator site

About This Site

I began this project in 1998 to explore my vision of what the next P-38 might have been had the war continued (the last production variant was 'M,' so the next would have been 'N'). (Click here for a little 'fiction' about the XP-38N).

Over the years it evolved into a comprehensive exploration of the Lockheed P-38 'Lightning' through flight simulation.  While the scope of my project expanded to include all P-38 variants, the name still seemed appropriate: X, for eXperimental (experimenting with new techniques to improve realism) and N, representing a next generation of P-38s, a 'virtual' generation, if you will.

I have since retired from  developing models for Flight Simulator.   My P-38 models are still here; they can be found on the model page. 

Now I focus more on P-38 history and photography.  On of the items on my rather short "bucket list" is to see and photograph every remaining P-38.  I want to share the photos with the world to help preserve the memory of those who designed, built and flew and maintained this unique aircraft.